Photodynamic Light Treatment (PDT) in Naples & Fort Meyers, FL

Photodynamic Light Treatment (PDT) Fort Meyers FL

The skin is one of the most important parts of the human body, and that’s why at Harris Dermatology, our highly trained dermatologists are dedicated to helping patients achieve their healthiest skin ever. When it comes to skin cancer, the need for optimal results from treatment can become very necessary and serious. Our team understands the importance of this and is happy to offer Photodynamic Light Treatment, which works to eliminate thin, skin cancer cells as well as acne for an overall improved look and health of the skin.

What Is Photodynamic Therapy?

Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a medical treatment that utilizes a photosensitizing molecule (frequently a drug that becomes activated by light exposure) and a light source to activate the applied drug. Very thin superficial skin cancers called actinic keratoses and certain other types of cancer cells can be eliminated this way. Acne can also be treated as well. The procedure is easily performed here at Harris Dermatology.

PDT essentially has three steps. First, a light-sensitizing liquid, cream, or intravenous drug (photosensitizer) is applied or administered. Occasionally, a photosensitizing molecule that is already part of the body can be activated. Second, there is an incubation period of minutes to days. Finally, the target tissue is then exposed to a specific wavelength of light that then activates the photosensitizing medication.

What Happens after Photodynamic Therapy?

Photodynamic therapy involves two steps. To begin your treatment, you'll come into the office for an application of a topical medication such as Levulan. After a designated period, you'll come back for your light therapy treatment. After this second phase of treatment during which light is applied to the skin, the topical medication remains active for two days. The medication is photosensitive, meaning that it activates when exposed to sunlight. For this reason, your dermatologist may advise you to avoid outdoor activities for at least 48 hours after your light therapy session. You can go outdoors, of course, but should wear sunscreen and protective clothing such as a hat or long-sleeved shirt. 

What is the Aftercare Following Photodynamic Therapy?

In addition to avoiding direct exposure to sunlight, your aftercare instructions may include the following:

  • Clean your skin using Cetaphil or another gentle cleanser.
  • Use zinc or titanium sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher.
  • Have 1 percent Hydrocortisone cream on hand to apply if irritation occurs.

If questions arise during your recovery from photodynamic therapy, please don't hesitate to call the office. We're here to assist you in your healing!

How Do I Prepare for My Photodynamic Therapy Treatment?

You may need to take a couple of precautions before your appointment. During your consultation, it is important to be up-front about all medications and supplements you take, if asked, as well as your medical history and lifestyle habits. If you have a history of cold sores, we may prescribe an antiviral medication for you to begin taking at least one week before your appointment. On the day of your treatment, wash your face but do not apply any products. No serums or moisturizers and no sunscreen. You may be in the office for some time to receive your treatment, so it's beneficial to bring some form of entertainment, such as a book, headphones and a phone or iPad, or other diversions. 

How Does Photodynamic Therapy Help Acne?

Photodynamic therapy puts light to work in a very specific way. The photosensitizer medication that is applied to your skin causes certain types of cells to produce porphyrins. These are light-absorbing molecules that enable us to target abnormal cells. In the treatment of acne, the photosensitizing medication is activated with light. This may be red light, blue light, or intense pulsed light. Your doctor will discuss the details of your procedure during your consultation. When activated by light, the medication destroys the bacteria and cells that are contributing to acne. Additionally, PDT decreases the activity of the sebaceous glands that produce oil in the skin. 

How Many Photodynamic Therapy Treatments Do I Need?

The number of treatments that you need will depend on the condition we're addressing and possibly its severity. Some conditions, such as small basal cell carcinomas, may require two PDT treatments. If you're using photodynamic therapy treatments for acne, we may set you up with a regular maintenance schedule to keep your skin healthy and clear.

Who Is the Ideal Candidate for Photodynamic Therapy?

Approved by the FDA, photodynamic therapy can be suitable for patients who have basal cell carcinoma, Bowen's disease, or actinic keratosis. These are all types of cancer cells that are considered “pre-cancerous,” that do not live too deeply under the skin, and can still be treated with light therapy. Patients who have also suffered from acne and would like to reduce the appearance of acne scarring, unevenness, and texture can also benefit from PDT.

Are There Any Risks with Photodynamic Therapy?

Though photodynamic therapy is an FDA-approved, safe, and efficient treatment, it can still come with a few risks. During the procedure, patients often feel a burning, stinging, or prickling sensation which usually disappears as soon as the treatment is finished. Patients may experience nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, trouble swallowing, shortness of breath, and swelling or inflammation of the skin and treated area. However, with the guidance of our highly experienced dermatologists, we are committed to working with each patient to optimize their comfort and health during treatment. With the proper care and attention, many of these side effects can easily be avoided.

What Are the Benefits of Photodynamic Therapy?

Photodynamic therapy is a safe way to eliminate pre-cancerous skin cells that can cause further damage to the skin and overall health of the patient. Because this treatment works in preventing the development of cancerous cells, it can often be a life-changing and even life-saving experience. For patients who suffer from acne, PDT can help contribute to increased self-confidence and self-acceptance as it works to improve the appearance of the skin. Because PDT uses light and photosynthesis technology to target skin cells, it leaves no scarring after treatment which makes it a beneficial procedure for patients with skin cancer or skin sensitivities.

Schedule a Consultation with our Dermatologists!

When you sit down with one of our knowledgeable dermatologists, you will be walked through the PDT process and will have all your questions answered. Dial (239) 596-1848 to reach Harris Dermatology today or click here to submit an email contact form to our office. We look forward to serving you.


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