What's New In Dermatology
Here’s How Much Damage a Really Bad Sunburn Can Do
Summary: HEALTH NEWS Here’s what we know about sunburn and cancer risk. When you head outside this summer, don’t forget to slip on a shirt, slop on sunscreen, and slap on a hat to avoid getting a sunburn. “Slip-slop-slap is how you can enjoy the outdoors in a manner that’s healthy for your skin,” Dr. […]
Knowledge of Skin Cancer Among General Dermatology Patients
Summary: Original Article ran in Practice Update / Research · June 07, 2018 – Jeffrey F. Scott, MD Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology TAKE-HOME MESSAGE In this survey study, the authors investigated how well patients in general dermatology practices understand the implications and etiology of skin cancer. In total, 273 adults participated in […]
Why see a board certified dermatologist over a non-certified dermatologist?
Summary: By Elizabeth Martin, MD Chair of the AAD Council on Communications The campaign includes a visually stunning web page, titled Why See a Board-Certified Dermatologist?, that includes a wealth of engaging graphics that explain why it’s important to see a board-certified dermatologist. The page includes information on: Why See a Board-Certified Dermatologist? web […]
Sun and Skin: From Burns to Melanoma, What Every Clinician Needs to Know and Share
Summary: Sun and Skin: From Burns to Melanoma, What Every Clinician Needs to Know and Share Toni Kamins, MA; Jennifer Leavitt | April 21, 2017 | Contributor Information “There is no such thing as a healthy tan,” says the American Skin Association, which regards any tan as an injury, no matter how beautiful it may […]
Self-Tanner How-To Tips for Our Patients
Summary: From the cosmetic surgery forum May 4, 2017 We all know that self-tanners allow patients to get that sun-kissed look without exposing them to the damage that comes with extended sun exposure. Modern self-tanner formulas are often cumulative and because they work in layers are customizable offering patients a safe way to get […]
Outpatient vs Operating Room
Summary: Outpatient vs Operating Room Setting for Fort Myers or Naples Treatment of Skin Cancer TAKE-HOME MESSAGE This retrospective study compared the cost of treating skin cancer in different settings by using billing records for 18 operating room and 18 matched outpatient cases. Of the 18 matched pairs, 17 pairs had sufficient data for American Society […]
The white badge of courage – Must Read!
Summary: Shell Shocked: The white badge of courage April 5, 2017 By Art Stevens , Island Reporter, Captiva Current, Sanibel-Captiva Islander I was leaving a Sanibel restaurant the other day with a white bandage on my face. As I passed a nearby table another gentleman had a similar bandage on his face. He […]
Sunscreen Is Protective Against Skin DNA Damage
Summary: TAKE-HOME MESSAGE The authors of this systematic review evaluated the effectiveness of sunscreen use in humans for the prevention of DNA damage in vivo when applied prior to ultraviolet radiation (UVR) exposure. In all 10 studies included, significantly reduced levels of UVR-induced DNA damage were found in sunscreen-protected skin. There is consistent evidence that […]
Mohs an Option in Older Patients with Non-Melanoma Skin Ca
Summary: Good 8-year survival outcomes seen in patients 85 and up by Ed Susman – Contributing Writer, MedPage Today March 07, 2017 Action Points Note that this study was published as an abstract and presented at a conference. These data and conclusions should be considered to be preliminary until published in a peer-reviewed journal. ORLANDO […]
Beach Umbrella Provides Less Sun Protection Than Sunscreen With a High SPF
Summary: TAKE-HOME MESSAGE A cohort of 81 study participants were randomized to sun protection using a beach umbrella or sunscreen with a sun protection factor of 100 on a sunny beach for 3 hours at midday. The umbrella group showed a significant increase in sunburn scores for all body sites compared with baseline. In addition, […]