Scheduling your first appointment with a specialist such as a dermatologist may cause patients to feel uneasy if they don’t know what to expect. The dermatologists at Harris Dermatology in Florida understand this apprehension that patients might have. However, a dermatology appointment is similar to any other doctor visit for most of our patients. Some patients have decided to call our office to address an issue with our team first, while others may be referred to our practice from their primary care physician. Regardless, Drs. Brian A. Harris, H. Ross Harris, and Keith A. Harris are here to help.
Below are a few of the most commonly asked questions by patients who are scheduling their first visit to our office:
What does a dermatologist do?
Dermatologists are specially-trained and experienced doctors who have extensive knowledge regarding conditions that impact the nails, hair, and skin. They provide a wide range of preventative, diagnostic, and treatment services for new and established patients of all ages.
How do I prepare for my appointment with a dermatologist?
Be sure to bring any medical history information with you that may be pertinent to the condition you are having evaluated. Also, bring your medical insurance card for our front desk staff to process and apply to your appointment. We recommend patients arriving anywhere from ten to fifteen minutes early to complete new patient intake paperwork.
How long does an appointment take?
Various factors will determine the length of the visit, but it may be anywhere from a few minutes to an hour or more if undergoing certain treatment or services such as annual skin cancer screenings.
Do my current medications affect my skin, hair, and nails?
We always recommend that patients bring along with them a list of medications and products they use regularly, as many prescription medications can have side effects that might be causing the problem a patient is being seen for.
Call Harris Dermatology today
Work with one of the most trusted and reputable dermatologists in the areas of Naples and Fort Myers, Florida by calling Harris Dermatology. Drs. Brian A. Harris, H. Ross Harris, and Keith A. Harris are here to help local patients enjoy healthy and beautiful skin, hair, and nails!